I finally started! I only got to step nineteen, though. The diagram does not clearly show where the coolant drain plug is in the engine block. It is a 19mm bolt above and to the left of the oil filter that you cannot see from below. Neither Nuts about Bolts nor Brian's Mobile removed that drain plug. Someone commented that when they finally removed it barely any radiator fluid came out. I have seen several comments that it strips easily. With the jack straight in it is in the way of the drain pan.
My phone was fully charged when I started, but I tried to take a couple of pictures, and my phone died. When I plugged it in it said it was at 30%. I just wanted to get as much work done before it got dark as possible, so I charged the phone and left it alone, but I will try to get more pictures.
Below are the first nineteen steps, without diagrams, next to my version: