I love finding these older threads. What a great way to try and learn.
I do have some questions and please remember, I'm not an aero genius. You may have to simplify your answers. I'm going to try and use the right terms but feel free to correct me if I get them wrong.
Post #10....If vortex generators (VG's) are a good aero idea why don't we see them on more cars? Not appealing to the general public? I can see how some sedans could use some better air flow attachment to help clear the rear window of snow.
Post #11.... @Kach22i..... I don't know enough about aerodynamics to experiment with different placements, but with some guidance, I would be your guinea pig.
Post #26.... (Re: the quote about airflow in the wheel wells) I assume they are referring to"air curtains". I thought I had read that the air should be directed at an angle towards the outside of the tire and NOT head on into it. Tesla (Musk) seems to think head on is better? Could it trap air in the wheel wells creating a "boundary layer" across the opening like a pseudo wheel skirt?
Post #26.... I see the reverse mud flaps in front of the front wheels. This is something I would like to try someday in conjunction with a belly pan or airdam. My truck sits pretty tall so I'm not sure which one would be better.
If nice guys finish last, are you willing to pay the price to finish first ?