I bought a 98 Geo Metro from Craigs List. The add said the head was cracked, no compression does't start. No rust. 140k miles. $700. I texted the owner and made arraignments to meet him and tow it home, which was kind of crazy, since I lived 160 miles away from North Webster In, and never towed anything before and never drove the Honda Odyssey on the Interstate. The plan was to buy a tow bar in Warsaw in, 16 miles away and some how attach it to the front of the car. I brought a tool box and my flux core wire welder. The van is rated for 3500 lbs towing.
After finding my way there, meeting the owner an hour late ( forgot the time zone change) I agreed to buy for $600. He would go not down to $500. I drove to walmart and found the towbar that was advertised for $52 labeled $99. The lady at the customer service said I have to bring it to the register, show the ad, get the manager to approve it, and by the way the add has to be for this store. I replied, If there was a Harbor Freight hear Id go there and not deal with this bs. The service lady in the next counter over said Oh, there's one just east on Rt30. Off I went to HB. I bought a towbar, hitch ball, magnetic tow lights and hitch pin for $118.
Upon returning, we transferred title, took off the rear tail light and hooked up the wires and tested the lights. No turn signal, different circuit then brakes, It needs 2 diodes each side to work. We removed the front bumper. I forgot my welding helmet at home. I borrowed the owners grandfathers helmet that was sitting out in the weather for a year. I wiped it out the best I could and could see through, use a long extension cord and I welded on the two brackets to the cross member in front and under the radiator. I blew through the thin metal a few places and wasn't sure it it would make it home without pulling off. The bracket, though, was over 1/4 thick. I rigged up some safety chains and was ready. All I needed was a route home.
I decided to take back roads the whole way home. The Grandfather advised against US 30 at there were too many stops. I started off going the first few miles at 20 mph, then 25, them 30, holly cow. Something was making a loud scraping noise and I pullover on the side of the road. It was the inner fender rubbing on the tire, I tie strapped and duck taped it away front the tire and resumed.The tow bar is too short and I could feel it tugging on the minivan over bumps, and making a clanking noise. On the smooth straight flats I got up to 50 then 55 as I zig-zagged my way home. Hardly and traffic. I made it home around 9:30, just after dark.
The next day I took the timing cover and valve cover off ad found it OK. The owner had just change it. I sprayed ether down it and it didn't start. I Took the spark plugs out, almost new, and did a compression test, 140, 120 , 115 or so. Good enough to run. When I took the distributor cap off I found a rats nest if hair thin wire inside. I went to Advance auto parts , $100 for the pick up coil, and they didn't have it. None of the auto pats stores had it. Some on Ebay for $95. I checked two local junkyard, no metros. I drove to Aurora, 20 mils, no metros. i found a pick up coil on ebay, not the same one but maybe could be modified with a #10 torqs for $12. I ordered it. I checked one more junk yard and they had two metros , a 92 and a 97. I drove there and found the 92 in the 97 spot and the 97 in the 92 spot, It was 4 cyl but I took the part anyway. $5.68. Upon returning home, I cleaned the wire out and installed it. It runs! Ha needs a muffler. So thats where Im at.
Wire under dist cap:
Brackets welded on:
Horn, was rustproofed: