Humans are blowing through 400TWh thermal per day! Cut that to 1/3 (completely too optimistic) for efficiency gains if you like. Still leaves 136 TWh per day!!! 1/3 of this is oil. 45TWh per day. A majority of which is used as liquid fuel. A fleet of batteries and long cords/ electric rails to replace 30TWh per day would be required. And a world fleet of water, wind, and solar to generate 136TWh per day. There are many approaching bottlenecks.
I already took away 2/3 from the current 400 TWh per day that we are blowing through for all efficiency gains from electrification.Which is way more than it could actually be regarding total energy consumption but is used just to dismiss that argument right from the start.And 1/3 again from that to get to just the 45TWh electric replacement from oil which will be leaving us first. So the 45TWh is already as optimistically adjusted as possible. And the real demand for total energy replacement will be the 136TWh per day figure. This is a staggering figure no green energy magazine will ever want you to know about. It doesn't matter what the total insolation or wind energy is. There is no way to build out this much hardware. Fossil fuel has allowed the population and standard of living to balloon far beyond the carrying capacity without it
Last edited by sendler; 06-26-2018 at 04:25 PM..