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Space Weather and Volcanism
'been screening materials I have on hand.The following organizations which are researching the photosphere,chromosphere,solar wind,heliosphere,space weather intersteller cosmic rays/galactic cosmic rays/Galactic atomic nuclei/ionized plasma waves,corotating interaction regions,coronal mass ejections,intersteller plasma,sun-spot cycles,etc.,have been mentioned in the literature:
*NASA Ames Research Center,Palo Alto,California,USA
*Jet Propulsion Laboratory,Cal Tech,Pomona,California,USA
*Space Science Dept.,European Space Agency,European Space Technology Center
*The Blackett Lab.,Imperial College,London,UK
*AT&T Bell Labs.,New Jersey,USA
*Dept. of Physics,University of Kansas,Livermore,Kansas,USA
*Applied Physics Lab.,John Hopkins University
*University of Birmingham,Birmingham,UK
*Space Science Lab.,University of California,Berkeley,California,USA
*Observatoire de Paris,Meudon,France
*University of Thrace,Xanthi,Greece
*Max-Planck-Institut f'u'r Aeronomie,Katlenburg-Lindau,Germany
*The Aerospace Corporation,Space Science Lab.,Los Angeles,California,USA
*Max-Planck-Institut f'u'r Kernphysik,Heidelberg,Germany
*University of Florida,Gainesville,Florida,USA
*Lindblad,Lund Observatory,Lund,Sweden
*University of Kent,Canterbury,UK
*Max-Planck-Institut f'u'r Extraterrestrische Physik,Garching,Germany
*European Space Technology Center,AG,Noordwijk,Netherlands
*NASA Johnson Space Center,Houston,Texas,USA
*Enrico Fermi Institute,University of Chicago,Chicago,Illinois,USA
*Herzberg Institute for Astrophysics,National Research Council of Canada,Ottawa,Canada
*Centre d'Etudes Nucle'aires de Saclay,Service d' Astrophysique,Cedex,France
*Institut f'u'r Reine und Angewandte Kernphysik,Universtat Kiel,Kiel,Germany
*Instituto di Fisica Cosmica,CNR,University di Milano,Milano,Italy
*University of Arizona
*University of Florence,Florence,Italy
*Lockheed,Palo Alto Research Lab.,Palo Alto,California,USA
*University of Chicago neutron monitor,Haleakala,Maui,Hawaii,USA
*NASA Goddard Space Flight Center,Greenbelt,Maryland,USA
*School of Physics and Astronomy,University of Minnesota,Minneapolis,MN,USA
*Hughes STX,Lanham,Maryland,USA
*Centre des Etudes Terrestres et Planetaires,Velizy,France
*Dept. of Astronomy,University of Maryland,College Park,MD,USA
*Space and Atmospheric Sciences Group,Los Alamos National Laboratory,Los Alamos,New Mexico,USA
*Dept. of Physics,West Virginia University,Morgantown,WV,USA
*NASA Space Science Lab.,Marshall Space Flight Center,Huntsville,Alabama,USA
*Physikalisches Institut,University of Bern,Bern,Switzerland
*Dept. of Atmospheric,Oceanic and Space Sciences,University of Michigan,Ann Arbor,Michigan,USA
*The Sun's magnetized plasma solar wind extends out about 100-Astronomical Units (AU) to create the 'helioshere'.
*Intersteller/Galactic cosmic rays can enter the heliosphere directly,but are strongly influenced by solar wind magnetic fields.
*On Earth,we would only be concerned with the behavior of the heliosphere associated along the sun's ecliptic path.
*Galactic atomic nuclei,accelerated to relativistic speeds in distant cataclysmic events also enter the heliosphere,but are also strongly influenced by the solar winds magnetic fields.
*Ecliptic solar wind velocity is about 400-kilometers/second.
*Solar spin is about 26-Earth days.
*The solar sun-spot cycle is 11-years.
*Cosmic rays have energies of 0.3-to-600 Million electron volts (MeV) per nucleon.
*Cosmic rays have 4-to-2000 MeV per electron
*cosmic ray bombardment (or not) on Earth will be affected by Earth's magnetosphere.(a separate post)
*So far,as of 1998,with respect to either volcanic or earthquake triggering mechanisms,there has been no mention in the peer-reviewed literature,of corroborated, causal relationships between cosmic ray,or solar irradiance effects.
*At some point I'll have some time to look at the online reporting.
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