Originally Posted by mattrod
Any update OP? What color combo did you pick? Post some pics.
I posted those details in my build thread a couple months ago, but I can share some here too.
Basically, I could not do silver wheels because the wheels did not look as good on close inspection as I had thought. Some were great. One was really not that good. I wanted really clean wheels, so I went with painting them using plastidip I had on hand: black. I tested the green striping on the black dip, and I liked it okay (especially my striping tool). But the tool tore into some of the dip. It was suggested I should wait a month for the dip to cure before trying again. In the mean time I have become ambivalent about the thickness of the green stripe on black and think I would prefer a thinner stripe. A thinner stripe is more subtle and I would like that. I'll get back to it.
So, here is a front wheel (with my painting of the tire lettering). And here is a back wheel (with stripe).
EDIT: you might dig a back view too... 3000 miles later and holding fine: