You won't have to shell out much to lower you car a short amount and considerably stiffen the ride without bottoming out on the road. If it doesn't move you up because of the oem parts that would be great. Go to and see if they have any stock SHO springs in the for sell section. Get the same year as yours and they will fit. Double check on tcca I think I remember someone saying something about replacing the back with fronts to reduce the saggy butt syndrome but its been years. Just in case you need to install a transmission cooler. You more than likely have the AX4S which has a faulty aluminum part inside that needs to be replaced with steel. Under high stress the aluminum becomes too hot and deforms effectively destroying your transmission. The cooler will lesson the likely hood of it over heating. I would hate to see your car end up like most of the 3rd gen SHO's whose cams have gotten loose and shot a valve into the cylinder.
Yaris Liftback + 3 Adults + Toddler + Luggage/Crap = 40mpg@80mph
It just came to me about blogging lol. Its like an orgasm a few good shots and the rest is dribbles lol!