What I can remember:
Around ~21, first time I was driving my sister's car, I slid into the car in front of me in a rainstorm. It bent her hood a little but did not damage the car in front of us. Her front tires were badly out of alignment and completely bald, rain had just started after weeks of sunshine (fresh oil, slick asphalt), and I was following a bit too close. Avoidable.
At age 19, my first time driving in snow I spun off the road and ended up on my side in the ditch. Looking back on it, the key factor was probably cruise control, but driving a little too quickly (peer pressure), a lack of snow tires and a RWD SUV certainly contributed. Avoidable.
I once did a 360 in my previous Honda taking an on-ramp too quickly during a thunderstorm - ~age 20? No harm done, it was the middle of the night and I pulled away a bit shaken but laughing. Definitely avoidable.
I don't think I've had anything of note in the past 8 or so years. I know how to drive in snow now, but more importantly keep a longer follow distance and adjust my driving patterns to conditions.