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Old 08-08-2018, 03:01 AM   #148 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by freebeard View Post
A knock-on effect would be Mexico enforcing their own Southern border.
Hello great and wonderful moderators! I hope you are having a great day! Please do not censure me, I am not trying to start an argument! Thanks!

But in 2015 alone, 93,000 Canadians whose time was up failed to go home, the Homeland Security report said.

I had read there were many illegal, but skilled, Canadians taking good jobs. Aww! I can't stay angry with them! They are so friendly!

China is one of 23 countries that do not cooperate with deportations.
The Migration Policy Institute has estimated that 820,000 of the 11 million unauthorized have been convicted of a crime. About 300,000, or less than 3 percent of the 11 million undocumented, have committed felonies. (The proportion of felons in the overall population was an estimated 6 percent in 2010, according to a paper presented to the Population Association of America.)
The Social Security Administration estimated that in 2010, 1.8 million undocumented immigrants worked under a number that did not match their name.
In the 2015 fiscal year alone, 15,715 were convicted [of illegally re-entering the country after being previously deported], according to the United States Sentencing Commission, [but] the number of people convicted of illegal re-entry has declined by more than a quarter over the last five years.
That article also shows there are 268,000 illegal immigrants from China and 267,000 illegal immigrants from India.

In the 2016 fiscal year, which ended in September, nearly 409,000 migrants were caught trying to cross the southwestern border of the United States illegally. [...] About 91 percent of all those migrants were from El Salvador, Honduras and Guatemala.

In 2016, according to the Mexican civil rights organization Meso-American Migration Movement (Movimiento Migrante Mesoamericano), over 400,000 migrants crossed Mexico's southern border–Mexico_border

In short, some illegal immigrants commit crimes, sometimes horrible ones, but half as many are convicted of felons compared to the rest of the population. There is a significant number of illegal Canadians, but far more people come from Central America than Mexico, and there is a significant number from China, India, and plenty of places that aren't the Americas.

When people talk about immigration policy I always bring up Mexico's policies, which is never appreciated. Mexico is doing well enough that there are far fewer people trying to come here, but they do not want people crossing their country. Mexico's southern border is 541 miles, compared to the U.S.'s southern border, which is 1,954 miles long.

Mexico seems to feel that walling them off is insulting, but their southern border is less than 28% as long, and they already have sections of walls and efforts at border control.

The problem is that life is significantly worse in Central America than in Mexico. Putting a wall, even if it is 72% shorter, between people fleeing for their lives, and the "safety" of Mexico doesn't do them any good.

I put safety in quotes because of the complete quote:
In 2016, [...] over 400,000 migrants crossed Mexico's southern border with 20,000 of them dying or disappearing in Mexico due to criminal gangs, trafficking, or exposure to the elements.
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