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Old 08-11-2018, 08:46 PM   #13 (permalink)
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Josie - '87 Toyota Pickup
90 day: 29.5 mpg (US)

Felicia - '09 Toyota Prius Base
90 day: 49.47 mpg (US)
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Aero drag goes up with the cube of the velocity - double the speed requires eight times as much power. So slowing down even a little can yield significant dividends. 75mph takes about 50% more power than 65! And in a big box like a Trooper it probably sounds like the end of the world.

Try to find a BSFC chart for your engine and shoot for a cruising speed that hits the best power/economy ratio, favoring the slower end of the range (within reason of course).

+1 on the air dam and belly pan/skid plates. Can't possibly hurt. If making a dam fit inside the rig is difficult when you get to the trailhead, look at making it a two piece.

Lead or follow. Either is fine.
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