Originally Posted by oil pan 4
Their known problems are... they have a huge back log of 420,000 orders they don't have the ability to fill, lots of competition now compared to even 2 years ago, model 3 demand has collapsed largely because model 3 are barely moving off the assembly line and the competition actually fills orders
None of this part is true.
Having reservations or unmet demand is not a problem.
There is no competition. The next highest sold plug-in vehicle is the Prime, and at 2000 sales per month, is nothing compared to the Model 3. None of the other manufacturers are able to keep up with demand, or they limit demand by lack of advertising and setting the price at a point where they only sell their artificially constrained production targets. The Model 3 in the currently offered trim has a higher profit margin than any other plug-in vehicle by far.
14,000+ Model 3s sold last month, or 7x more than the next highest selling plug-in vehicle. Combined with their other models, Tesla is selling 17,000+ cars per month and that is increasing.
No doubt Tesla has many big problems to eventually solve, but it isn't all doom and gloom.
All that said, China does sell more EVs than the US, and some of those manufacturers are likely to release models in the US eventually. With no patent enforcement, there is little in the way of rapid advancement in their technology, at least in keeping current while spending less on R&D.