Originally Posted by rmay635703
MSR Thorium make 99% less spent fuel than traditional fission
Further MAR reactors can use spent fuel rods from other reactors as apart of its fuel.
And the waste from MSR is suitable for passive nuclear power systems until it degrades.
Too bad the stuff we did in the 50’s is too complex for us today.
That's fine, if we can be certain they will use such fuel. But the total costs still need to be part of any comparison. And I mean an actuarial risk assessment of possible meltdown or other failures. We should be skeptical of any industry claim of safety without cross examination. I live beside a reactor built on the same design as the Fukushima plant. It is on the beach. A few mikes from some of the most destructive potional off shore faults in the USA. Like Fukushima, it has a completely inadequate sea wall. Yet, like Fukushima, GE insisted it was completely safe. And the power company insisted it was completely safe even after leaks were detected. I want iron clad proof that such facilities, whatever the industry claims, and in some case whatever regularots claim, is safe and that we know exactly what we will do with all of the almost eternally deadly waste. Until then, I am absolutely opposed to further nuclear plant development. I realize some of you are excited about the tech, but I don't trust the companies or the regulators. And everything I own and everything I love is in their path. I don't trust they give enough of a damn about me, mine, and my people.