I wasn't refering to the law, but about rights in ethical terms, moral, philosophy.
Law can be a garbage. They first likes a lot of borns, to have a lot of people to get low workmanship, and also to help get soldiers. The can can even force (almost-unde risk of jail) people to kil when the state tells who is allowed to be murdered.
It would be easier if humans just laid eggs. Don't want so just don't brood it.
Science says 12 weeks, and if I remamber well (mayne I'm wrong) it's related to myelin formation, that's what allow neurons to conduct electrical impulses..
Originally Posted by freebeard
This is wrong. They are chattel. They have no [civil] rights until majority. This can be unfair to the children suffering under suboptimal parenting, but it's the law.
None of my business, I was kicked out of the gene pool in the eighties; but IMHO the line is drawn at 42 days. When the brain is flooded with DMT.