Originally Posted by 19bonestock88
If you wanted the really tall final drive, you’d get a manual Gen7 civic and his CRX trans and have a transmission shop swap the guts into the Gen7 case(of course as part of a rebuild)...
Right on with that, but what you said:
Originally Posted by 19bonestock88
I’m with you though, just grab an Insight or HCH1 with a decent battery... drive until the battery fails and then decide what to do... I’m sure the battery would store fine with a grid charger... you know, have somebody trustworthy plug the thing in once a month or so to keep it topped off...
You could delete the battery when it fails or you could replace it... personally I’m curious as to what could happen if you replaced them with a lithium pack of some sort(Headway cells perhaps?) and done an aftermarket AC motor controller, and used an Arduino to die it all in with the IMA system...
Current plan this May:
- Sell my Civic
- Buy a 1st Gen Insight w/ good battery for $2500 or less (I know of 3 now for that price or lower) manual transmission of course
- Learn how to drive manual..

Keep battery
- Wire up kill switch
- Wire up lean burn LED indicator
- Manually adjustable grille block
- I think an air dam hurts MPG due to semi-smooth underbody?
- Improve underbody aero
- Tail extension; maybe a mini-boattail
- Wire up a fake brake light switch to flash people with when I'm EOC and people are creeping up without paying attention
- Semi truck horn <<< seriously!!!

- AC delete
- Passenger seat delete
- Delete as much weight as possible
- Tires @ 60 PSI if RE92s, 70 PSI if cheapo tires
- Rear wiper delete
Beat 100 MPG consistently by the end of summer
Beat 60 MPG doing pizza delivery (if I resume my job next summer)