The VFR 400’s tach used to go crazy above 9000 RPM, then that dropped down to 5000, then 3000. Any more throttle than needed for cruising would cause the tach to act funky. Tonight I finally fixed it!
There were three related connections behind the front fairing, two were visibly corroded. Cleaned all of them up with sandpaper and some contact cleaner. Finished up with dielectric grease and put it back together. After having the tach not work and taking it apart again I discovered that third contact was unplugged.
A short test ride up to 5000 RPM shows no weird tach problems. I’ll have to take it all the way to 13,000 and see if I can find the rev limiter again. It either disappeared when the tach was acting up, or I was hesitant to keep revving an engine without a tachometer.
Still have to fix the mid range flat spot, will probably get it dynoed with a A/F readout to see what’s wrong.
Me and my dad are taking both the VFR 400s out to go look at.......ANOTHER VFR 400. Even if we don’t end up getting it, we will have a cool picture of all three generations of the VFR 400(not including RVF).
Edit: It was in pieces, no picture.. Tach works fine, rev limiter is there, seems to kick in around 14,000 rpm.