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Old 09-01-2018, 03:33 PM   #12 (permalink)
Chuck Biscuits
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Posts: 24

CRX - '86 Honda CRX HF
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Thanks for the input, guys.

Have any of you test-driven the Hyundai Ioniq? They are boasting some impressive numbers, but alas no MT, which kinda sucks. Yes, I’m a retro-grouch who likes to select his own gears.

What about the Civic Hybrid? Viable choice?

Mini Cooper? My buddy has one of the new 3-cylinder turbo models, as well as the older N/A version and gets fantastic numbers on his 50-mile-each-way commute. Plus the fun-to-drive-factor is quite high. Parts are expensive (BMW), dealerships are few and far between, and I wouldn’t think the reliability is as good as your standard Honda product. Correct me if I’m wrong.

As you can tell, my budget is somewhat nebulous. I’ve never made a car payment, and don’t really want to start now, but it’s not off the table.

Will the Fit get into the 40-MPGs on the freeway? Or is that an anomaly? The quick bit of research I did jut now shows most folks are seeing mid-30 mpgs over the course of regular driving. I do drive conservatively, but the Fit seems a bit tall, compared to my CRX/Civic, to get good numbers.

How about the newer Mazda 3 hatch with Skyactive Technology? I would settle for high-30 mpgs for a vehicle that large. My wife drives a 2004 2.3-liter, but it burns copious amount of oil and gets pretty dismal mileage. I thought that Mazda rated the new 3 5-door at 38 mpg, but am curious about real-world numbers.

What is an HCH1? Civic Hybrid? 1st gen?

Again, THANKS!! I know I’m likely missing some obvious choices, which is why I’m here.
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