Originally Posted by ProDigit
The engine wear, starter wear, battery wear...
Not only the items breaking, but just one time charging labor, nullifies the savings you get on fuel.
I wouldn't call what Shouty's fuel economy discussion in this video "calculations"... it's more like he decided to knock stop/start technology and then just made the numbers fit. I don't like Shouty's videos when he gets into questions like this. He seems mostly to fire from the hip when it comes to anything fuel economy or engineering related. Where I like him is on questions of repair and maintanence.
The Engineering Explained vid is considerably more persuasive as far as calculations.
Also, I am driving a 1998 Civic that I bought in June 2001. It has 260,000 miles and still has the same rods and bearings and piston rings... same 1998 starter. But for the last 90,000 miles I have been stop/starting it maybe 10 times a day.
Just one person's experience... but I think the hardware is a lot more durable that he is claiming.