Here are a couple more things I am working on. I wonder how much difference it will make as the TPI system is a Batch Fire system VS a sequence injection system. One point for the batch firing its fuel may vaporize a little more sitting behind a hot intake valve?? I have considered running the LAST OBDI Chevy ECM which was sequence injected BUT would have to add the omispark system and wonder if it is worth it and I believe the add on board will not fit these ECMs.
BUT having such a tunable system made even better by the add on bard I feel will offset these small loses due to batch firing and the add-on board even helps with that by adjusting for low RPM injection…
This board has the lean burn settings with caused me so much interest when people on the 3rd Gen site claimed getting 35MPG with these 80 Camaros. AND this board allows complete adjustment of this feature…so I can FINE tune all ranges of fuel and timing, so I can fine tune for low RPM MPG and tune for power in mid and high range.
Running an OLD fuel flow and VSS mileage computer should allow my doing this fine tuning and I have a great OBDI scanner to also monitor the system. I also plan on adding an air fuel ration system, and exhaust temperature monitor.
Using such system allow me to do testing on a 2000 Mercury Grand Marques which I tried a bunch of MPG devices and systems, and found the only improvement was a lean burn and at 16.1 AFR the car was able to get 35 MPG at 65MPH.
The stock MPG was 30 MPG at 65 MPH with this car and yes I really tested that by a 300 mile run on I10 from Phoenix to the CA state line and back. And other MPG runs…This car runs at around 1700 RPMs at that speed.
I was totally surprised by this car when I learned that even with overhead cams the red line was 5000, and by how powerful it was and even more when I figured out a 4.6 is SMALLER than the old Ford 289CI motors (They are 281CI) yet feel like most 350 Chevys I have owned.
The big surprise was when I had to replace the intake manifold and discovered a TPI on all of these Ford 4.6s. It is upside down.
I feel these cars proved my ideas.