Originally Posted by sendler
Unfortunately our explosive growth in numbers over the last 150 years has pinned us between a rock and a hard place. Given the choice between global warming, and a much sooner complete collapse of world society due to a reduction in energy availability, no government or general populace is going to choose collapse. You are reading one of the many books that explains the relationship between energy availability (and the obvious inability of rebuildables to replace fossil fuels at anywhere this scale), economy, and population.
If energy availability goes down, one or both of the others must go down.
A look at WW-II history is illuminating with respect to 'scale' of energy demand.
Some significant percentage of the US population and their energy use can be 'disappeared',quite literally overnight with the stroke of a pen.
And Kuntsler eludes to this.Sure,Barbie and Ken aren't going to like it,but they'll have no choice but to go along.
We can take our 'haircut' sooner,or we can take it later,at orders of magnitude higher in pain level.
If the Barbies and Kens of the USA have to be interned in concentration camps to protect the country,well,we have a historical precedent for that.