I'd like to point out that the most economical camper may not be the most aerodynamic one. It depends on your ratio of driving to sleeping in it, and just how much it can displace.
The lowest cost per mile "camper" would be sleeping in the back of a used Nissan Leaf at the bottom of its depreciation, or Honda Insight. However, in the case of the Leaf, you're only going to be camping ~40 miles from home, max, and let's not get into trying to sleep in an Insight.
Taken to the other extreme, a vehicle may have poor aerodynamics, but a full kitchen, room to sleep two, a shower, and heck maybe even laundry. If you spend more time staying than driving the offset of needing to ever get a motel or airbnb for their facilities can pay for itself in some circumstances. Much like with a home, the place with the lowest rent may not be the least expensive place to live.