For me a car like that requires alot of power to move at a reasonable pace and for the purpose you need it, it would be too much money to consider spending. You'd spend a considerable amount of money on batteries alone and the weight gains would be too much.
But then again my mind is set on a vehicle with lith batteries and two ac motors direct drive on the front wheels. Back to reality youd have to replace the suspension with the sho suspension to lower it without compromising the ride(and cheap) there are also gen 2 wheels that are I think 24spoke wheels, much more aerodynamic than any other available wheels. Rear wheels skirt and underbody cladding. after removing that hulking engine it will be considerably lighter but will still break the one ton mark.
Yaris Liftback + 3 Adults + Toddler + Luggage/Crap = 40mpg@80mph 
It just came to me about blogging lol. Its like an orgasm a few good shots and the rest is dribbles lol!