Thread: Tesla Model 3
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Old 10-02-2018, 04:42 PM   #612 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by RedDevil View Post
Some at Bloomberg are so convinced Tesla will ultimately fail that they've become blind for data that say the opposite.

3rd quarter numbers:

Bloomberg said:
The Model 3 tracker currently projects that Tesla will finish the quarter making 53,457 Model 3s

Teslarati said:
During the third quarter, Tesla produced a total of 80,142 electric cars, 50% more than the company’s prior all-time high in Q2 2018. Tesla produced 53,239 Model 3, as well as 26,903 Model S and X vehicles.

So they differ by 218 cars and both are guesses. Why are you so down on Bloomberg?

Originally Posted by RedDevil View Post
That's the end of Q1 2019 at the latest.
That is some VERY glass-half-full thinking. The opposing view from the same stats:

Tesla adding battery capacity - They are going to make more long range cars with larger battery packs.

Tesla installing equipment to make modules cheaper - They want to make money on the cars they are selling

Tesla making more motors - They are going to increase sales of AWD cars with 2 motors.

Telsa hasn't changed availability window - This is a bad sign. If the $35K base version of the Model 3 was 3-6 months away 3 months ago it should be 0-3 months away.

Musk said 1Q 2019 - Musk ALWAYS overpromises

Even if Tesla starts delivery $35K versions of the Model 3 in 2019 that means the buyers will pay more for the car then when they ordered it as the Federal tax credit cuts in half 1Q 2019 and goes away completely 3Q 2019.
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