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Old 10-05-2018, 11:55 AM   #163 (permalink)
All Darc
Join Date: Feb 2018
Location: Brazil
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Brazilian women, maybe one of the worst in the planet, are probably one of the most hypocrite life forms on Earth, in these terms. Women can create a no win cituation (like we say on Brazil : "Se correr o bicho pega e se ficar o bicho come"), as they accuse man of cretin, if it's not like they like, and accuse of gay, if they refuse women harassment over man.

And man are stupid since they give power to freak women, since they also call man as gay if a man refuse a woman.

And brazilian modern left winger are a puz...y hyprocrite too, since they tend to call a man, who fast refuse a women, as arrogant missogenist and gay. And even some gays (who said to suffer prejudice) will call a man of these, since most gays are or act like puz...y women, happy colored thinking like women. Such gays also thinks a man refusing a women is gay, and they may flirt with such man and get angry of be refused too.
Such freak moviment said to be against prejudice, but they are very look like who they attack, intolerant, arrogant, believing they have monopoly of virtue. They have prejudice against who want to stay alone or against who do not follow liberal sexual libertin style.

Brazilian women alternate betwen sexism and liberal "social justice" as it's convenient of not for them in a given situation.

Originally Posted by cRiPpLe_rOoStEr View Post
A lot of women have been turning sex into a reward for what they consider a desirable behavior from men for a while, and many actually use it as a way to achieve some workplace goal. Even if it's not workplace-related, there is too much more pressure over men's behavior if we dare to refuse having casual sex with some random woman.