10-05-2018, 01:02 AM
#161 (permalink)
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Sure Fox News it's very moralist...
It's from 2007 (not 2017 like said before)... I think they would neve do such thing today.
Equal rights ??? (watch the experiment)
Last edited by All Darc; 10-05-2018 at 11:35 AM..
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10-05-2018, 06:53 AM
#162 (permalink)
It's all about Diesel
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A lot of women have been turning sex into a reward for what they consider a desirable behavior from men for a while, and many actually use it as a way to achieve some workplace goal. Even if it's not workplace-related, there is too much more pressure over men's behavior if we dare to refuse having casual sex with some random woman.
10-05-2018, 11:55 AM
#163 (permalink)
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Brazilian women, maybe one of the worst in the planet, are probably one of the most hypocrite life forms on Earth, in these terms. Women can create a no win cituation (like we say on Brazil : "Se correr o bicho pega e se ficar o bicho come"), as they accuse man of cretin, if it's not like they like, and accuse of gay, if they refuse women harassment over man.
And man are stupid since they give power to freak women, since they also call man as gay if a man refuse a woman.
And brazilian modern left winger are a puz...y hyprocrite too, since they tend to call a man, who fast refuse a women, as arrogant missogenist and gay. And even some gays (who said to suffer prejudice) will call a man of these, since most gays are or act like puz...y women, happy colored thinking like women. Such gays also thinks a man refusing a women is gay, and they may flirt with such man and get angry of be refused too.
Such freak moviment said to be against prejudice, but they are very look like who they attack, intolerant, arrogant, believing they have monopoly of virtue. They have prejudice against who want to stay alone or against who do not follow liberal sexual libertin style.
Brazilian women alternate betwen sexism and liberal "social justice" as it's convenient of not for them in a given situation.
Originally Posted by cRiPpLe_rOoStEr
A lot of women have been turning sex into a reward for what they consider a desirable behavior from men for a while, and many actually use it as a way to achieve some workplace goal. Even if it's not workplace-related, there is too much more pressure over men's behavior if we dare to refuse having casual sex with some random woman.
10-05-2018, 02:06 PM
#164 (permalink)
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Se correr o bicho pega e se ficar o bicho come
Known in the 1950s as 'sheriff's daughter syndrome'.
We had a situation recently in the Congress of the USofA, where one person refused to answer a 'gotcha' question yes-or-no, while the other took a few softball questions about what was on the table, and then as an aside, "Did you ever coach anyone on a polygraph test" and on to other things. The 'gotcha' (perjury) didn't come out until the next day.
.Without freedom of speech we wouldn't know who all the idiots are. -- anonymous poster
.The wages of woke is broke[™] -- Harvey Cthulhu
10-11-2018, 08:00 AM
#165 (permalink)
It's all about Diesel
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Originally Posted by All Darc
Such freak moviment said to be against prejudice, but they are very look like who they attack, intolerant, arrogant, believing they have monopoly of virtue.
Just look at the petistas harassing people who are willing to vote Bolsonaro. 3 weeks ago while I was walking with my dog, one of those vicious petistas approached me inquiring if I would "really" support Bolsonaro, and I didn't even talk to him or mocked him for wearing a red T-shirt with a portrait of inmate Silva. Probably he found out I'd vote Bolsonaro because my dog was wearing a camo coat.
They have prejudice against who want to stay alone or against who do not follow liberal sexual libertin style.
Not so much prejudice against those who are not so sex-hungry, but they do try at any cost to silence people who don't endorse that LGBT agenda.
Brazilian women alternate betwen sexism and liberal "social justice" as it's convenient of not for them in a given situation.
A cousin of mine became such a leftie POS in recent years. Much of that might be influence of the mainstream media, but even though she graduated at a Catholic university I guess she was indoctrinated there too...
10-11-2018, 12:53 PM
#166 (permalink)
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I googled "sheriff's daughter syndrome" and couldn't find.
I see some female psychologist with such dumb bias too. There was a crap horrible made brazilian research, asking people if the way women sexy dress style could increase rates of rape, and if people answered "yes",they would compute the data as if people had said the "sexy dress style" women deserved to be raped. So the final data in the study said most brazlian man thought women who dress sexy deserved to be raped, something like slamic's mind.
A female psychologist that appear on TV and gave interviews, for a local TV in my city, told in a reportage how society was so sexist, and mention the research as example. It was in her youtube chanel, with many other videos. I contacted her by email, polished explained how horrible made was the study, pointed a link explaining the crap, but she said that wasn't her fault, that she didn't made the research.
But she or ignored or didn't read the research in details. And she keept the video on her chanel even after I noticed her about these things, and didn't even put some warning notice on the video about the study be wrong.
She used to get people of her class (she teachs psychologyt) and friends (she is lesbian) and go to street dressed in reverse gender, to raise flag agains homofobia and transgenderfobia, sexism. But now that the ultra right president candidate it's almost winning, she posted a image on her Facebook showing feminism as bad as sexism (male chauvinist).
If we think about the kind of people that are legally authorized to manage people's mind.... psychologist psychiatrist... It's quite scaring...
On Brazil there are psichologist who state (as professional in field) the virgen Maria was the perfect women and ideal to be followed in life, and psychologists who said that man or women should never be upset if their wife/husband sleeps with other people.
Originally Posted by freebeard
Known in the 1950s as 'sheriff's daughter syndrome'.
We had a situation recently in the Congress of the USofA, where one person refused to answer a 'gotcha' question yes-or-no, while the other took a few softball questions about what was on the table, and then as an aside, "Did you ever coach anyone on a polygraph test" and on to other things. The 'gotcha' (perjury) didn't come out until the next day.
Last edited by All Darc; 10-11-2018 at 01:42 PM..
10-11-2018, 01:32 PM
#167 (permalink)
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When some opressed or "opressed people" get power, they can became as bad as the people who opressed them.
I voted for Alvaro Dias. I don't suport the crazy sh... left and neither Bolsonaro.
There are violence in both sides. But when women hits multiple times and spit on face of a man for suporting Bolsonaro, nobody make campaign on web to punish the women.
If was a man to give 10% of these hits and spit, but into a women, everyone would be asking to jail hin, asking his boss to fire hin, asking the university to ban hin. They would try to complete destroy his life.
I refer to this video, see how the girl hits hin with all power she have on arms, furiously, and how others spit on hin :
I don't like Bolsonaro, but people have right to express their support for a given candidate as long they don't do in violent or agressive fashion.
Originally Posted by cRiPpLe_rOoStEr
Just look at the petistas harassing people who are willing to vote Bolsonaro. 3 weeks ago while I was walking with my dog, one of those vicious petistas approached me inquiring if I would "really" support Bolsonaro, and I didn't even talk to him or mocked him for wearing a red T-shirt with a portrait of inmate Silva. Probably he found out I'd vote Bolsonaro because my dog was wearing a camo coat.
In my city they have, at least some crazy sh... from UNESP university. After all they were just people from the city (caipiras/bumpkin) who went to UNESP and got brain washing fast. So they get a mixture of old and new thinking. I belive they made a transposition (different song but same melody), as they still, in the deep of their thoughts believe man must praise women approachs, as a duty, and the crazy left thoughts states they must respect women. So they see a short and direct refuse of women as a disrespect form women sexuality, like a sexism againt women.
They probably believe if man don't act sexy hungry they are gay or evil sexist. Even psychologist and sociologust of left have some of this. I talked with a sociologist about it, and he start with the same old talk like, society don't like homesexual, and I have to explain hin I wasn't one. He spent a long time of the talk defending pot heads, when I told hin that if was a drug user/dealer and cheater people wouldn't get angry against like they get against me.
Even people who post a rainbow flag in facebook, get agry if I refuse relationships. Antissexuals are not respected. Antissexuals are not always asexuals, since they can just decide stay away of all the crap involving relation, or judge society a piece of sh... like in may case.
Originally Posted by cRiPpLe_rOoStEr
Not so much prejudice against those who are not so sex-hungry, but they do try at any cost to silence people who don't endorse that LGBT agenda.
I have a relative with a good bunch of money, that is left wing. I would like to see some rich left wing share their money with the poor. They should start giving example, but they never do.
Originally Posted by cRiPpLe_rOoStEr
A cousin of mine became such a leftie POS in recent years. Much of that might be influence of the mainstream media, but even though she graduated at a Catholic university I guess she was indoctrinated there too...
Last edited by All Darc; 10-11-2018 at 01:39 PM..
10-11-2018, 03:13 PM
#168 (permalink)
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I googled "sheriff's daughter syndrome" and couldn't find.
The 1950s was a long time ago. Maybe try "If you won't, I'll tell my daddy you did."?
.Without freedom of speech we wouldn't know who all the idiots are. -- anonymous poster
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02-08-2019, 03:32 PM
#169 (permalink)
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Cognitive dissonance :
Women are so more or better in almost all, and as strong as man... That a simple nice interviewer who say women are better in things but overal not as strong, made her cry.
Cognitive dissonance made her cry, in my opinion. Oh, the power of logic argument it's a abuse of women now...
Would she cry if a teacher shows how a math calculation made by her was wrong ?
In my city a cardiologist was acused by about 40 women of sexual harassment, and in one case with ejaculation in the back of a patient. But the hypocrity freak leftwings students of the public university here, which anoyed & and got hostile towards me cause I refused a girl who attempt to go after me, didn't made any protest against hin or asking justice.
Would I be more respect if I was a criminal??? Is puzz...y refusal a crime or worse crime than harassment/rape? Ohnnn... "On knees when in front of the puzz...y gueen, or she will order to kill you..."
Brazil it's a monkeys jungle. Monkey people. And I'm not talking about skin color, but about stupid ignorant hypocrite people.
Detail: I was in a Women Protection Police Station to help, since I had a information about the criminal cardiologist, and there was a bad looking angry woman in there, wainting. I was talking with other woman, while waiting, about these thing I said here, people got hostile against me for had refuse I girls I didn't know. And I explained very logic way how people were irrational and hyocrite, and in the end I said that depite 5 universities in a city of 200.000 habitants, people of the city was still like country uneducated small city people. The ugly women get upset, as she was listening, and interrumpeted me in a hostile manner and said that if I was annoyed I should leave the city. I told her that was the argument during dictatorship (national ufanism) to keep people shut, and she said : "That's righ, if you are annoyed leave the city.
In other words, that women in a Women Protection Police Station was probably victim of some sexism, violence agaisnt women, but she was a sexist herself. She just proved everything I said about stupid people from here. When I questioned if for her man should always prove he is a man (a wolf after women) she stay silence.
She was not just ugly (face, manners) but fat, arrogant, ignorant, angry, without manners, hypocrite...
Well, I presume that brazilian women are among the worst types of women in the world. They helped to raise these types of horrible man that in the end turn women's life a hell. They are like Frankenstein doctor, creating the monster that will turn against them. Remamber that are women who raise the boy, the kid who will grow to be a man.
Last edited by All Darc; 02-08-2019 at 03:53 PM..
02-08-2019, 04:12 PM
#170 (permalink)
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.Without freedom of speech we wouldn't know who all the idiots are. -- anonymous poster
.The wages of woke is broke[™] -- Harvey Cthulhu