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Old 10-11-2018, 08:00 AM   #165 (permalink)
It's all about Diesel
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Originally Posted by All Darc View Post
Such freak moviment said to be against prejudice, but they are very look like who they attack, intolerant, arrogant, believing they have monopoly of virtue.
Just look at the petistas harassing people who are willing to vote Bolsonaro. 3 weeks ago while I was walking with my dog, one of those vicious petistas approached me inquiring if I would "really" support Bolsonaro, and I didn't even talk to him or mocked him for wearing a red T-shirt with a portrait of inmate Silva. Probably he found out I'd vote Bolsonaro because my dog was wearing a camo coat.

They have prejudice against who want to stay alone or against who do not follow liberal sexual libertin style.
Not so much prejudice against those who are not so sex-hungry, but they do try at any cost to silence people who don't endorse that LGBT agenda.

Brazilian women alternate betwen sexism and liberal "social justice" as it's convenient of not for them in a given situation.
A cousin of mine became such a leftie POS in recent years. Much of that might be influence of the mainstream media, but even though she graduated at a Catholic university I guess she was indoctrinated there too...