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Old 10-11-2018, 01:32 PM   #167 (permalink)
All Darc
Join Date: Feb 2018
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When some opressed or "opressed people" get power, they can became as bad as the people who opressed them.

I voted for Alvaro Dias. I don't suport the crazy sh... left and neither Bolsonaro.
There are violence in both sides. But when women hits multiple times and spit on face of a man for suporting Bolsonaro, nobody make campaign on web to punish the women.
If was a man to give 10% of these hits and spit, but into a women, everyone would be asking to jail hin, asking his boss to fire hin, asking the university to ban hin. They would try to complete destroy his life.
I refer to this video, see how the girl hits hin with all power she have on arms, furiously, and how others spit on hin :

I don't like Bolsonaro, but people have right to express their support for a given candidate as long they don't do in violent or agressive fashion.

Originally Posted by cRiPpLe_rOoStEr View Post
Just look at the petistas harassing people who are willing to vote Bolsonaro. 3 weeks ago while I was walking with my dog, one of those vicious petistas approached me inquiring if I would "really" support Bolsonaro, and I didn't even talk to him or mocked him for wearing a red T-shirt with a portrait of inmate Silva. Probably he found out I'd vote Bolsonaro because my dog was wearing a camo coat.

In my city they have, at least some crazy sh... from UNESP university. After all they were just people from the city (caipiras/bumpkin) who went to UNESP and got brain washing fast. So they get a mixture of old and new thinking. I belive they made a transposition (different song but same melody), as they still, in the deep of their thoughts believe man must praise women approachs, as a duty, and the crazy left thoughts states they must respect women. So they see a short and direct refuse of women as a disrespect form women sexuality, like a sexism againt women.
They probably believe if man don't act sexy hungry they are gay or evil sexist. Even psychologist and sociologust of left have some of this. I talked with a sociologist about it, and he start with the same old talk like, society don't like homesexual, and I have to explain hin I wasn't one. He spent a long time of the talk defending pot heads, when I told hin that if was a drug user/dealer and cheater people wouldn't get angry against like they get against me.
Even people who post a rainbow flag in facebook, get agry if I refuse relationships. Antissexuals are not respected. Antissexuals are not always asexuals, since they can just decide stay away of all the crap involving relation, or judge society a piece of sh... like in may case.

Originally Posted by cRiPpLe_rOoStEr View Post
Not so much prejudice against those who are not so sex-hungry, but they do try at any cost to silence people who don't endorse that LGBT agenda.

I have a relative with a good bunch of money, that is left wing. I would like to see some rich left wing share their money with the poor. They should start giving example, but they never do.

Originally Posted by cRiPpLe_rOoStEr View Post
A cousin of mine became such a leftie POS in recent years. Much of that might be influence of the mainstream media, but even though she graduated at a Catholic university I guess she was indoctrinated there too...

Last edited by All Darc; 10-11-2018 at 01:39 PM..