I got the turbo and intake manifold out yesterday. I undid the lower motor mount and was able to push the engine forward enough to drop the turbo with exhaust manifold out the bottom. Once out, I was able to access the stripped allen head on the intake.
Turbo is shot, compressor wheel rubbed the housing, not rebuildable. I can get a new one on Craigslist for $500. He also has a set of .656:1 fifth gears(
) for $250.
EGR and intake were half clogged with carbon sludge. Cleaned them out mechanically, then gasoline solvent, then water with lots of Dawn detergent. Built a fire and boiled it and then the presser washer on it. Bare metal inside now. Intake ports need cleaning too, but rain today. I'll order the turbo when funds are in my pay pal.