Originally Posted by rlee94
I've got a 99 L Wagon. My scangauge is reporting high-30s to low-40s at a steady 52mph. It's a 2.2L 4eAT. Curious if maybe the extra inch on the outback is really bringing it down that much.
Let's make sure we're discussing the same things. The average MPG over every tankful is what matters most to us hypermilers. Tank MPG is what I use to compare what I achieve with what others achieve in their cars.
~50 MPH on the highway with the engine fully warmed up is the sweet spot for most cars. I see instantaneous MPG in the 30s and 40s as well in those conditions, as long as I'm not facing a big headwind. Of course, I also see instantaneous MPGs in the hundreds when coasting down a hill, so it's important not to get too excited about momentary figures.