Thread: Coal power
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Old 10-25-2018, 08:22 PM   #103 (permalink)
AKA - Jason
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The electric company is taking a big loss with any net metering that they are forced to pay out. [quote]

No they aren't. They just aren't being paid twice for the line charges. The utilities make no money on net metered kWhs but lose no money either.

Maybe real numbers will help. In the spreadsheet below is a very simple utility with 2 customers. 1 has solar, one doesn't. In the month the utility generates 1 kWh, sells it to Home 1, Home 1 generates one kWh and sells it back into the grid for a full credit. Home 2 uses that kWh and is billed for it by the utility. The net result is that utility is paid in full for the 1 kWh it generated.

The second example is what utilities want. In that case they treat customers that feed power back into the grid like a neighboring utility that they buy power from. In that case the utility makes 40% more for the 1 kWh they generated.

You asked above where I was getting my numbers for peak vs off-peak price. They are directly from my utility. That is what PGE (Portland General Electric) charges for time of use billing. See attached.
Attached Thumbnails
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Name:	PGE Time Of Use.jpg
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Size:	36.4 KB
ID:	25055   Click image for larger version

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Views:	31
Size:	62.3 KB
ID:	25056  
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