Originally Posted by Vman455
I looked around the room—effectively, our world in microcosm—and saw more than a hundred people, all of whom are wearing clothes made in Asia, who traveled by car and/or airplane to get here, sitting in a climate-controlled and lighted facility that took untold amounts of energy in its construction, who will go home and eat out-of-season foods, some of which are shipped halfway around the world to reach us, and all of it powered by fossil fuel energy; and these are people who all accept the reality of global climate change and its anthropogenic origins! The problem is us, or more accurately the conglomeration of billions of daily individual actions. I see no reason to share Dr. Mann’s “cautious optimism,” and after the lecture, I find myself thinking that perhaps it is time for the cautious optimists to sit down and let the total pessimists have a turn."
So I see that you have a rare grasp of the concept of embodied energy. And hopefully also some appreciation of the scale of our total primary energy consumption. Despite the massive rollout of solar and wind in many markets, they still constitute less than 3% of total world energy.
Watch the Hagens lecture to glimps a synthesis view of energy, economy, and evolutionary psychology.