I actually like white chocolate. Which is to say, I like the flavorless cocoa fat they mix with vanilla and sugar to make "white chocolate".
Which is to say I like fat.
Dark chocolate is heavenly. Get a good semi-sweetened bar and it's like eating coffee.
The only thing better is dark chocolate with ground coffee bean filling.
Originally Posted by All Darc
Don't tell me you eat chocolate with bacon...
That might not be a bad idea.
Maybe bacon sprinkles, so it won't be so oily.
Salt really intensifies flavor. My kids love the chocolate brownies and chocolate chip cookies my wife makes. Heavy on the chocolate, modest on sugar, with a liberal sprinkling of rock salt to give it some bite and to enhance the flavor of the chocolate. I even catch them sneaking an extra pinch of salt from the jar to put on their cookies from time to time.