take 100 units of work energy from you crank.
using a 95 % efficient alternator to convert to electrical energy.
100 x 0.95 = 95 units of energy.
Using electrical energy to convert water to hydrogen and oxygen (Using highest efficiency experimentally observed 70%)
95 x 0.70 = 66.5 units of energy.
burning in a diesel engine to convert back into mechanical energy (using highest otto engine efficiency that can be expected from a real engine 34%)
66.5 x 0.34 = 22.61 units of energy.
So under optimal conditions you have taken 100 units of energy of mechanical work and converted it to ~23 units of work.
so to save 1 gallon of fuel you will have to burn 4 gallons. Net fuel savings -3 gallons.
not a winning proposition by any means.