Originally Posted by Piotrsko
I fail to see how they have the same thrust as a long aspect rato prop that uses the same input power.
I also don't understand what the patent is about. ROHR was doing similar things 25 years ago
I view it as more of an adaption of the Turbo-Fan as it is basically an electric jet motor, something I've been interested in for the last 15-20 years or so for my hovercraft designs that I do for fun.
Here is what I mean, in lieu of the fan part of the turbo-fan they have only an annular inlet (w/folding plates).
In lieu of the turbine element of the turbo-fan they have a fan or propeller.
I'm sure at some time in the past some testing facility modeled or tested a turbo-fan with the fan removed using only the center turbine part.
This would be a jet engine with shrouded air cavity where air could be squeezed or expanded depending on velocity and pressure desired when it merges with the jet gasses at the end. Sort of a Ram Jet but not quite.
As I understand it, in a turbo-fan the fan produces 90% of the thrust, the turbine and hot jet exhaust only the remaining 10% but I could be wrong (
flying off of memory here).