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Old 11-11-2018, 07:34 PM   #109 (permalink)
All Darc
Join Date: Feb 2018
Location: Brazil
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Converting from dollars to real (brazilian coin) you pay 26.1 cents of real per kwh.
On Brazil the price varies a lot, from 33.7 cents to 59.9 cents of real. And remamber that most of our energy here it's from hydroelectric (cheaper to produce). The high price here it's mostly government's greed.

And our cars also are more expensive than on USA. We built and export cars to some countries that are less expensive there than the exact same ones sold on Brazil.
A similar thing happens to our gasoline, we produce and export some, and the exported gasoline sold in some countries are less expensive than the gasoline sold in our territory.

So, I conclude solar energy and electric cars could be even a better advantage on Brazil than on USA. Our importation tax are high, but there are some chinese solar panels manufactures here, and workmanship for panel roof instalation it's quite lower. If some taxes get reduced for solar panels, maybe it get better chance.

Electric cars would be simpler, in theory, to manufacture than gasoline engine cars. And the anual saving, comparing to the cost of gasoline per year on Brazil, would make it even better in economic terms.
These new batteries would bring a lot of possibilities. Remote locations here, where they can't sell extra power from sollar panels to the grid, to use credits to pay energy consumed at night, would use batteries to storage.

Originally Posted by oil pan 4 View Post
Power generation where I live uses mostly coal, followed by natural gas, then wind.
The base rate is 7 cents per kwh, total consumption divided by the bill is usually around 9 to 10 cents per kwh.

The efficiency of a coal plant is usually up to 38%.
The average line loss in the united states as a whole is 10% or 11% as of 2012.

My leaf gets 3.5 to 4.7 miles per kwh. The lower limit being pulling my trailer during winter and the higher end is summer time with no trailer and mostly highway driving.

Last edited by All Darc; 11-11-2018 at 07:49 PM..
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