Ok, well I've bought and installed the heater now, turned out to be easier to fit than expected.
Had a few trial runs... hmm seems to only heat the coolant to 45c or so, no matter how long it's on for (specs say it should heat coolant to 70c) still better than nothing, but a bit disappointing.
I think I might have fitted it back to front? The instructions (poor though they are) show it directing the flow directly towards the thermostat, however this would be the opposite direction to the coolant flow when the engine is running, so I fitted it the other way around. For various reasons this seemed the "correct" way.
I remember reading a post somewhere (can't find it now) where someone had fitted it back to front and it wouldn't heat up fully - doesn't make sense to me how that would affect anything, but still... I've made sure the heater valve is open...
Anyway, just thinking out loud for now...