Originally Posted by sendler
Exactly what I have been saying here for the last year. We are not that far apart after all. Resource depletion will curtail material throughput due to steadily rising costs of extraction/ production in the next coming decades. The growth/ debt based economic system system we have relied on for the last 100 years will cease to be viable. Ideally we would try to phase in a new social system now but there is too much social momentum in desperately attempting to maintain business as usual with worldwide quantitative easing. So the next best thing is for enlightened individuals to study the coming options and be ready with some ideas of a plan B when the time arrives.
While public ignorance has driven the climate change challenge,it appears that an enlightened public is perceived as the greater evil.
Otherwise every public school in the US,up through state universities would require mandatory climate-related curriculum.
I don't have any idea where the necessary education is going to come from.