Originally Posted by sendler
$60,000 unobtainium unfortunately. All of the start ups such as Electra Meccanica and Archimoto are relegated to building three wheelers in order to circumvent nanny state crash testing. Mandating every car to obviate user responsibility via 500 kg's and $5,000 of safety structure and equipment is regressive. It prohibits development of ultralight 4 wheeled transportation which would be much more sustainable than the 2,000 kg monsters we are stuck making now. This mandate killed Aptera.
3 billion people cannot all have a 2,000 kg car that costs $40,000.
All you have to do,is rearrange the ink on the page,to make that regulation go away.
A Presidential Executive Order could do that.
I could mass-produce 100-mpg+ commuter cars at no more than $11,000 each,all day long.No technological barriers at all.Just bureaucrats.