Originally Posted by jamesqf
The problem with that is that 5g's limited range makes it only practical for congested urban areas. 5g's range is (optimistically) about 1500 ft, and its short wavelengths are easily blocked: https://www.computerworld.com/articl...y-from-5g.html 3g & 4g range is anywhere from 3-30 miles, perhaps more if you're on a mountain with a good line of sight - and there are still lots of places in the US that have roads but no cell service.
So the only way to make that workable is for every car to in effect be its own cell tower, adding yet more cost & complexity.
5G won't be restricted to high frequency, which is why they killed off 2g and have already set drop dead dates for 3g.
Also, beam forming technology from wifi will likley be implemented and will improve transfer rates and range.