Originally Posted by old_biker
be careful what you wish for, before my most recent bike I didn't think it was possible to have gearing too tall, so what happens is I use lower gearing local & mileage isn't what you would think, I get 42mpg, with a 96 CU IN engine, previous bike I was getting 55-57 mpg with 74 CU IN engine,
anyway I cant even get to 5th until 45-50 or so MPH, & 6th is worthless under 65, & basically I don't do but 1 small trip a year, so gearing is wrong for my driving.
I much more often wish for taller gearing than shorting gearing. When you have gearing that is too tall, you are in between your optimal gearing, and it is an inconvenience. When you have shorter gearing and wish for taller gears, they will NEVER be there. You can always shift down(unless you are in 1st..), but no matter how many times I lift up on the shifter there won't be a 7th gear.
Originally Posted by old_biker
I don't know your bike, but can you play with rear sprockets too? for 1 of my Harleys, I have rear sprockets from 40T to 51T & then trans from 21T-26T, plus a few engine to trans, but afraid to quote teeth, not looked at in a few years.
for a "safe" chain, look at Tsubaki, I love their nickel plated chain, non o-ring. I regularily got 18k-26k miles before having more than 1 tight spot while adjusting, never had 1 break, & I have over 500K miles on 2 wheels.
18-26K on a non o-ring chain???
Did you have an auto oiler? Yes I can play around with sprockets. Ideally I get it right the first time so I don't have to adjust the number of chain links.