Here's my friend's actual car, sporting its winter boots and covered in seasonal salt/dirt.
(Previous car was a 10 year-old Subaru Impreza 5-speed.)
We did an eco-driving session today, and honestly, he didn't need it. (He actually beat my score, and graciously tried to soothe my bruised ego by blaming the heat pump for running more during my lap!)
He used to drive a 5-speed Impreza without paying much attention to efficiency. He would have described his ICE driving style as "a bit zoomy". But the combination of a touch of range anxiety, plus the quiet/calm nature of this car's drivetrain has transformed his approach.
He's driven it
11,000 km so far, and spent less than $200 on electricity (in expensive Ontario). My ecomodded Metro/Firefly, by comparison would have cost more than twice that amount to cover the same distance at 60+ MPG, and that's only accounting for the gas!
One thing I
was able to show him that he didn't know was how to shift to neutral for long glides. He wasn't aware that he had to hold the shifter in the detent for a second or 2 for N to activate.