Originally Posted by oil pan 4
Last winter the antartic was only a few percent off its 1980 base line.
I wait to see what will happen after this winter.
The way it was sold to me is that it would get warmer and warmer, there would be less and less ice, once it was gone it wasn't coming back.
I'm so glad carbon cap and tax didn't pass in 2010.
Now I get it.We are staring legerdemain straight in the eyes.
These people are trying to disguise the West Antarctic Peninsula ice loss,by diluting the surface area magnitude by comparing it to the entire area of the continent.
This would be like saying that if I take a Samurai sword to the top of your head,your body will hardly miss it.
What a bunch of cretins! They can't even lie worth a damn.
Boy did you get snookered!