12-22-2018, 04:08 PM
#4241 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by oil pan 4
And it woks.
If it doesn't work then that means people are stupid enough to fall for his hypochondriac bull. I refuse to believe the vast majority of people are that stupid.
No comment on how in his movie he said sea levels would rise 10 feet by 2013 or 2014, then buys a beach front mansion a few years later, likely using money made off that film?
If you want to see literally every failed inconvenient truth prediction just search "inconvenient truth memes".
President George W. Bush's grandfather worked for a man who said,"All Americans want to do, is watch baseball and drink Coca-Cola".
President George W. Bush used eminent domain to destroy some Texan's homesteads in Arlington,Texas,so he could build a new Texas Rangers baseball stadium.
A full-circle,global cluster-....k.
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12-22-2018, 04:17 PM
#4242 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by redpoint5
The only nuclear meltdown to have killed was Chernobyl. 0 dead from 3 mile and Fukushima. Those who have died due to the business of producing nuclear energy are far fewer than those who have died producing all other types of electricity in terms of deaths per MWh delivered.
Occasional death is not a sufficient reason to be against something. If my family died in a plane crash, I would not be anti-flight.
Ladder falls kill a surprisingly large amount of people, and it accounts for among the largest percentage of accidental death, yet we don't see anti-ladder protesters in the streets.
You haven't mentioned all the uranium miners in Grants, New Mexico who continue to die.
Or the US ARMY volunteers who died from radioactive fallout at the Nevada Test site.
All California wine is radioactive today because of the Fukushima hydrogen explosion/release.It's a bit upsetting.And the nuclear power industry will be tasked with 'selling' the idea of nuclear power.
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12-22-2018, 04:23 PM
#4243 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by oil pan 4
The east antartic ice sheet?
That must be the one with volcanoes erupting under it.
I will save you an hour.
Falsehoods in Gore's An Inconvenient Truth
Every BS line from the movie broken down, about a 20 to 30 minute read.
I went back and looked.The most recent eruption was about 10,000 years ago.
Volcanologists are concerned about techtonic rebound triggering eruptions,as the ice mass diminishes.
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12-22-2018, 04:30 PM
#4244 (permalink)
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made possible
Originally Posted by oil pan 4
I am compensated. We all are.
Every day not having to live under cap and tax or some stupid gasoline tax intended to save the world.
Not that a gas tax would effect me much as I drive an electric vehicle.
But the funny thing is if cap and tax passed I probably wouldnot have had the money to buy a nissan leaf, be able to afford to say "no" to natural gas, redo the electrical so I can put up solar panels, install wood stoves for home heat, install a hot water heater heat pump, plant saplings, plant fruit trees.
Most of these things made possible by not having a carbon tax.
You must have been using an astronomical amount of energy to have recovered so much just from the tax burden.Perhaps Guiness Book of Records!
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12-22-2018, 04:44 PM
#4245 (permalink)
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few percent
Originally Posted by oil pan 4
Last winter the antartic was only a few percent off its 1980 base line.
I wait to see what will happen after this winter.
The way it was sold to me is that it would get warmer and warmer, there would be less and less ice, once it was gone it wasn't coming back.
I'm so glad carbon cap and tax didn't pass in 2010.
Now I get it.We are staring legerdemain straight in the eyes.
These people are trying to disguise the West Antarctic Peninsula ice loss,by diluting the surface area magnitude by comparing it to the entire area of the continent.
This would be like saying that if I take a Samurai sword to the top of your head,your body will hardly miss it.
What a bunch of cretins! They can't even lie worth a damn.
Boy did you get snookered!
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12-22-2018, 04:48 PM
#4246 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by oil pan 4
Ha. I'm in portales NM and it gets just ad hot as Amarillo but cools off down into the 70s at night.
An enviable situation!
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12-22-2018, 05:07 PM
#4247 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by sendler
The total efficiency gains available from a full electric conversion have been calculated. They project about 2:1 improvement. This leaves a techno-utopian solution to come up with 8.5 TW average currently after replacing or retrofitting $100's of trillions in built out machines and infrastucture. Not to mention the continuing population growth that we are locked in to for another 70 years and bootstrapping 3 billion underdeveloped people who still burn wood and dung for cooking and heat.
Not without increasing total primary energy consumption again. If you get down from the current 17 TW to 8 TW from the maximum application of technology, any increases in population, or the standard of living for poor people, will increase energy consumption from there. It will take a complete redistribution of wealth and a whole new world wide social system to get below the half of 17TW that a techno transformation might provide.
Underdeveloped farmer/ herders are the world leaders in percentage of renewable energy at 97%. From firewood and dung. They will suffer the least in the next 50 years during the coming Great Simplification.
I suppose you could have a moratorium on 'conventional' home construction over the next 32-years,building nothing but tiny-like homes,consolidate office space into 24-7 operation,shrink it by 66%,let go of Boutique industry,arrest leisure travel,vacation travel,ban left turns at all intersections,destroy all corner retail businesses and replace with cloverleafs, synchronize traffic lights,...……..unless everything was done with zero carbon,while continuously building out new renewable capacity.
Any municipality which is out of compliance with the Clean Air Act would freeze all building permits.There would be no new residential or commercial real estate development unless zero environmental impact could be guaranteed under penalty of death.Tax appraisal districts could go fishing.
Real estate developers and real estate agents could pay for new schools instead of bond elections.
No travel to soccer,baseball,football,rugby,gymnastics,ballet,c horus,golf,swimming,tennis,hiking,back-packing,...……….. unless with zero-carbon transport.
Criminalize traffic accidents.If you're texting,or putting your makeup on,or gourmet cooking,while behind the wheel,and cause a multi-million-dollar traffic jam,you'll be arrested,your car impounded,and you'll be liable for compensating all the good drivers who were delayed or otherwise affected by your stupid behavior.No attorney to get out of jail.First strike and you're out.
Photobucket album: http://s1271.photobucket.com/albums/jj622/aerohead2/
Last edited by aerohead; 12-22-2018 at 05:13 PM..
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12-22-2018, 05:18 PM
#4248 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by All Darc
This kind of home, using domes& geometric 3D shapes, vaults, etc... It could be even less expensive if use aircrete. AIrcrete use a lot less portland cement.
Aircrete also insulates better from heat and cold, reducing energy required for cooloing or heating.
My dad used to make it.He could get the density down to 11-pounds/per cubic foot,versus about 130-pounds/cu- ft for conventional concrete.
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12-22-2018, 05:24 PM
#4249 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by sendler
I'm not going to spend a lot of time discussing this video point by point other than to say to viewers, please be cautious and aware of some of the common misconceptions about solar and wind energy that are being repeated.
Germany, California, South Australia, ect have seen the price of electricty on their bills go up over the last ten years to become the most expensive in their respective regions.
Many of the same common ways of distorting the discussion of rebuildables are at play here. Such as stating that a region intends to get xx% of their "energy" from wind and solar, when they should say xx% of "electricity". Which is only 20% of energy in Germany.
Lack of context of scale is another common issue. Raving about the largest solar farm East of the Mississippi being in Michigan: It is 60 MW name plate.
Which brings up another actively abused concept that is intentionally used in the press to mislead. Capacity factor is never mentioned. The farm in Michigan will average about 16% of it's nameplate with many days and possibly weeks near zero in the winter. It takes 100 of these farms to average the same energy as 1 nuclear plant. And solar farms output 0 for 14 hours a day.
Rebuildables, that are mined, manufactured, and installed with fossil fuels, are fossil fuel extenders. Not replacements. Pollyanna views of future energy production serve to distract us from the social changes that must be addressed.
I couldn't find a chart of primary energy production by source for California but Germany's is well documented. I saw one the newest ones from 2017 which was essentially the same mix but here is 2015 showing that they still get twice as much energy from burning wood as from wind and solar put together:


Yes,the Union of Concerned Scientists cautions us to be very wary of published quanta.
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12-22-2018, 05:37 PM
#4250 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by oil pan 4
Well what do you expect.
When electricity becomes stupid expensive people are going to chop down trees and burn them.
I like how they "almost doubled the price of electricity in 10 years" and only have 1.2% of solar power to show for it.
What's going to happen when 10% of their power comes from solar?
It's going to be down right unaffordable to most people.
Have you run across breakdowns of actual production costs,versus wholesale/retail pricing for different technologies?
Oil refineries' kWh load per gallon of finished stock is three times their reported total production cost,if figured at retail price points. And that's not saying anything else about their costs.And I'd be paying 12-cents it it weren't for my wind option.
Wind costs me 1-penny difference.Solar might cost me the same,but I'd have to buy a block of 200 kWhs,and I don't use that much a month.
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