Originally Posted by freebeard
I'm going to have to stop caring about this. Currently the last post I see in that thread is https://ecomodder.com/forum/showthre...tml#post587191. And a search for davis54 returns three results not including a Profile page.
Not so much as a 'User Removed'.
What's worrisome is that one of my posts is gone. Maybe it's the bug where vBulletin won't display the last pages of a thread, but it says I'm on the last page.
Will autonomous cars share this 'feature' from web pages?
I sent a mod alert to axe that account. Looks like they did, along with all of the posts, so my permalink no longer points to the correct message.
The message you thanked said something about attending some show. Towards the top of the thread, another member had mentioned attending that show.
... I'm going to have to rewatch "Her". We're probably not too many years out before AI and humans will be indistinguishable, especially in written form. My assumption when I see odd word usage is that the poster is not a native English speaker. AllDark uses the word "polemic" frequently, yet I've never seen or heard it used before then. AllDark is a bot!