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Old 01-02-2019, 12:14 AM   #4359 (permalink)
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With viable Thorium reactors, straightforward distillation is possible. But Schauberger has something to contribute. Implosion cools the water. If a tornado can lift trees and tons of water you [for one] should be able to lift particulates out of water.

Product Description

We have learnt from Viktor Schauberger’s writings that it is very important to store liquids in opaque egg shaped containers. Because there are no corners and crevices there is no stagnation and disease causing bacteria are much less likely to breed. Constant convection and spiralling movement keep liquids fresh, cool and healthy. The stored liquid should not be exposed to sunlight. The Ancients knew of this and used amphorae and egg-shaped urns as storage vessels made from natural materials. In today‘s industrial world, practicality dictates the mass production and use of cylindrical and rectangular plastic containers.
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