Originally Posted by Ecky
Very possible your ECU has different parameters than mine, but where assist kicks in seems to vary based on SOC, some other unknown factors the ECU cares about, and *I think* throttle position - not necessarily load. Maybe load also. It's very possible, for instance, to hold the pedal down to just before 50mpg in 5th gear and cruise along with no assist. Any farther and it begins to assist. Trick is to find that threshold in every gear, and how much it varies based on RPM.
I can easily stay out of assist when cruising, but what about accleration? I can't accelerate without the IMA except on a downhill.
Originally Posted by Ecky
Not that you're doing any redline pulls but I want to say the Insight is actually a hair faster to 60mph based on Car and Driver's testing. Honda's official numbers show it a bit slower than real-world testing.
It probably is; after all it is a manual and like 1800 lbs, even if it is only around 70 hp.

Not that early upshifts let me see any of it's "speed".
Was thinking about the clutch mod earlier. If the car is actually in neutral, I get no assist or regen regardless of whether I tap the brakes or accelerator. I only get forced assist in neutral if the battery SOC is almost empty. Why wouldn't the normal clutch mod work then? There really is no reason for the car to assist while in neutral, so why would the clutch mod allow it if the car is acting as if it is in neutral?
UPDATE: Since lubing up that worn caliper pin, installing the brake reduction clips and replacing the driver's side mirror with a smaller one, the Insight coasts much better! It now coasts better than the Civic that weighed 800 pounds more, and slightly better than both the Prius that has a similar drag coefficient but weighs about 1100lbs more, and the '04 Sienna that weighed 4400 lbs and coasted really well (drag coefficient was 0.3 I saw somewhere? Seems low for a minivan..).
Just tired of these short trips of mostly <7 miles that aren't letting me get good MPGs. Pretty sure I'd be getting 75-80 MPG right now in the winter if my trips were longer, instead of 63-71 MPG.