Originally Posted by Piotrsko
I think richmond gear has a 2.29 or a 2.50 but im not sure how interchangeable 8.8 internal stuff is.
Their web site sucks. Maybe I am wrong.
And sadly they seem to too. Called them got their tech support guys, was told there was never s lower gear than 308, I said really I already have a 2.75 for a 8.8.
Then after some more checking with other guys came back asking do I have a 28 or 31 splines axles, I say why?? They said the gears only fit one or the other.
And again other say other wise, a 8.8 gear set is a 8.8 gear set, the splines only matter with the carrier.
Oh well experts...old saying experts = ex=past tense pert= a drip under pressure. Seems true in this case.