Final day of pizza delivery driving over break finished today. With no extreme hypermiling, just smart and conservative driving right at the speed limit, Dreamsight averaged exactly 65 MPG over 1043.2 miles, at a cost of $32.07. Worst day was 62 MPG and best day was 68.6 MPG. For comparison, Silver Aero averaged 37.7 MPG doing pizza delivery, which over that same distance would've cost $55.07.
Myself and a few others over on Insight Central attempted to wire up an '05-'06 compatible calpod clutch mod (IMA disable/enable on demand) equivalent (since the normal clutch mod isn't compatible with '05-'06 Insights) using a signal to and from the ABS line that supposedly disables the IMA when the ABS turns on. However that only disabled regen, not assist, just like the clutch mod does on '05-'06 Insights. However it was a good learning experience on wiring an Insight. IMA boost device? IMAC&C? Both are expensive, and unless I could resell it for the price of a new one, or close, it wouldn't be worth it even though it would be cool, as I plan on permanently bypassing the IMA when it dies.
Scott's belly pan arrived today finally, so I will be trying to install it tonight in the dark so I can leave on time tomorrow for college. Going to grid charge the IMA just to get everything reset and ready for tomorrow's trip. Will be doing key off/on EOC when safe and when the IMA SOC doesn't require much regen. Will be workin' that regen button on the downhills!
Hoping for 80 MPG on the trip. We'll see. I should be able to beat that, at least until I hit those West Virginian mountains. The trip is 705 miles, so my bare minimum is to make it on one tank. Preferably before the low fuel light comes on, so I have 9 gallons. 705 mi / 9 gal = 78.3 MPG, which I think is doable. Fingers crossed, we'll see!