Originally Posted by Ecky
Good luck! A shame you haven't been able to disable assist. I'll give some consideration to this issue.
Thanks! And yes, I suppose my regen switch will be used often to make up for those hills - at least that wired up correctly!
How does your arduino spoof work that sends a fake SOC to the computer? Thinking again of that idea of:
1) Button is pressed / toggle is switched on
2) Store the current SOC as a variable
3) Send a SOC of 0%
4) Disable regen
and when the button is pressed again or the toggle is switched off:
1) Get the stored SOC variable
2) Send that SOC variable to the computer
3) IMA level is where it was and the car functions normally.
Since the car can't assist when the battery is empty, and regen is disabled, something like that might work..