Originally Posted by ME_Andy
My guess is, Ford is just starting on the design of this truck. They had to make the announcement now, though, because Rivian was making them look silly.
GM, Ford, Dodge ... all of them had started on the road to electric by getting their auxilliary systems on electric. Power steering, water pump, Air Conditioning, and all of the rest of the stuff that used to run off the serpentine belt that was driven by the engine.
I think they have most of that stuff figured out. Now they need to do the driveline, figure out how the heat will work .. how the cooling and heating works for the battery packs, cabin heat, etc, and how to fit the batteries, controllers, et al into a serviceable package.
I don't think any of the big 3's all-electric designs will be new ground-up designs. I believe that they will leverage existing investments in body panels, suspension, dash, etc. That's how their accountants, auditors, and management think. So the first ones will have a range problem and perhaps some access challenges, restrictions on battery packaging and design .. pretty standard stuff.
To be competitive ... they will need designs that are ground-up, all electric, starting-with-the-frame .. to fit everything where it fits best and makes the truck the best they can make it. But that's only my opinion