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Old 01-17-2008, 09:12 PM   #6 (permalink)
Nomadic Chicken
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Tomo, i herd it has something to do with the brand and country. eg- hacking a 9volt everready supposed to give you 4 "AAAA" batteries (not AA batteries), but other brands may give you something else. I wonder what kind of batteries those 4 "Long D" cells you found are - if they are categorized.

the "burn water" vid is a fake. He's using vodka or something. Although dropping batteries in water and leaving them does allow you to see bubbles of oxy and hydro after about 20 or 30 mins, the hydrogen and oxygen escapes or fails to saturate the water enough to actually get a burning surface. (i tried it. batteries will erode and rust but mine didn't leak.)

and i never gave my car liquor. It just makes me afraid that it might doze off while i fall asleep and leave my car at the wheel.
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